
To all our valued customers.


Recently we have been the subject of offensive and defamatory emails from a partially competing company.

We have been accused of copying by claiming self-styled property rights of intellectual property.

We clarify that we do not need to copy, being perfectly capable of independently developing advanced designs both as hardware and firmware.

We want to remind you that our company has developed and produced all products bearing the TN prefix.

Tecnonautica, at the time our largest customer, merely integrated these products into their systems.

By holding all the design documentation, we can offer the replication of individual parts, even very dated ones.

If this is not possible, we redesign the product.

We do not do mass production but only offer a service on

request by offering, under our

brand, products that are 100% compatible with the legacy.







Phone Phone +39 (0)584 915638

Fax Fax: +39 (0)584 915638

Mobile Mobile: +39 3355211017


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old e-mails:

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